
Sensible approaches to build and maintain custom websites and analytics systems.


Google Analytics Attribution & Traffic Source

GA4 assigns traffic sources based on a priority system—UTMs, referrers, auto-tagging, and more—so here’s how to decode it in BigQuery and get the cleanest attribution data possible.


Asset Loading in WordPress

Simple and effective ways to load CSS and JS modules in a custom WordPress theme from scratch (no frameworks).

CloudFlare Caching for WordPress

Properly configuring CloudFlare caching rules for your WordPress website is the best way to make your website extremely fast.

Daily HubSpot → BigQuery Syncs

Automated daily syncs from Hubspot into BigQuery without expensive ETL costs, using an alternative to Google Integration Connector.

WordPress Plugin Abuse

Should you really use a WordPress plugin for that? See how 11 lines of code can replace 87,907, and why that's a major advantage.


Domain Redirects in CloudFlare

Redirect an entire domain in CloudFlare, forwarding all non-WWW traffic to WWW, or WWW to the root domain, at the page level with a single rule.


Offline Conversion Tracking

Automatically targeting prospects that are most likely to become paying customers is one of the best ways to lower customer acquisition costs.

SVG Support & Broken Images

A recent update to the popular SVG Support WordPress plugin may cause broken SVG's on your WordPress site.


Google Fonts in Gutenberg Editor Styles

WordPress editor stylesheets won't load external assets with @import rules, but there's an alternative approach you can use to load fonts into the Gutenberg editor.

Tracking Changes in WordPress

Track, log and notify team members when changes are made to a WordPress website's file system, database and DNS.

Select Placeholder Color CSS

How to style a <select> dropdown placeholder value in a way that is similar to the CSS ::placeholder pseudo element.


Fixing WordPress cURL Errors

How to fix `cURL error 60: SSL certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate` errors in localhost WordPress environments.



Fix Hanging Words in WordPress

Automatically fix hanging words (or typographic widows) in WordPress content using this helpful function to filter the_content().


Angular $http Cache Examples

Real world examples of angularjs $http and $resource cache, including how to work with localStorage and sessionStorage.




WordPress Sample Content

Sample page content for testing CSS against the HTML output of the WordPress TinyMCE editor.


Horizontal Bulleted Lists Using CSS

If you want to create an unordered list in HTML (<ul>) that lists items horizontally while maintaining the bullets this bit of code should help you.

Creating a WordPress Website for Beginners

As far as blogging platforms go, WordPress is by far one of the best and most flexible – and when used properly can be used as a casual “blog” or even a more corporate website and product sales site.


CSS Vertical-align & Inline-block

During the process of working today I came across a CSS issue with vertical-align and two inline-block elements next to each other.

Smart Software Web Design Inspiration

Let’s take a look at some of the best SAAS website designs on the web, and analyze what they’re doing to drive sales and high conversion rates.

Humanize Post Dates in WordPress

Most of you probably use the_date() or the_time() in WordPress themes and plugins to display when a specific page, post was published.

Manage Every WordPress Setting in One Place

WordPress has an extremely powerful, lesser known trick to easily let you view and edit a complete list of all the editable database settings for your site, including fields added by plugins.

Professional WordPress Development Resources for 2012

Thanks to the hard working developers at Automattic, and the many contributors to the WordPress plugin repository, the API’s, plugins, and development capabilities available to WordPress theme developers and website managers is tremendous.


Remove Title Attributes from Images in WordPress

Have you ever noticed that an unwanted popup tooltip appears when you hover over an image in WordPress? This is created by the title attribute that is automatically added for many image attachments (including post thumbnails).

Cut WordPress Load Time in Half

With Google now considering site speed as a ranking factor, it’s important to keep your site running at it’s fastest.

Working From Home & Keeping Your Sanity

Avoid becoming a social vegetable A close friend constantly jokes about my new remote role, claiming that it won’t be long before I’m a social vegetable.

Cross Browser Favicons

Once you have a 16px by 16px PNG, GIF, JPG or ICO file adding a favicon, or favorite icon, to your website is easy.

Using PHP to Detect iOS & Mobile Users

This basic mobile_user_agent_switch() function will allow you to use PHP to detect iOS and mobile device visitors using one of the following: Supported Devices iPhone iPad Android Blackberry The mobile_user_agent_switch() Function /* * Mobile device detection */ if( !function_exists('mobile_user_agent_switch') ){ function mobile_user_agent_switch(){ $device = ''; if( stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'ipad') ) { $device = "ipad"; } else if(….


CMS Plugins" rel="bookmark" data-summary="To help folks stay up to date with some of the latest and greatest CMS plugins I’ve decided to feature new, up and coming WordPress plugins on this post. Because these lists will be posted frequently, I don’t have time to review every plugin individually. I suggest using your judgement based on the repository feedback…">A Fresh Batch of WordPress CMS Plugins

To help folks stay up to date with some of the latest and greatest CMS plugins I’ve decided to feature new, up and coming WordPress plugins on this post.


On Corporate Web Design Clients

I’ve always known that something wasn’t quite right with corporate websites, and after seeing things like Dustin Curtis’ mockery of American Airlines, I couldn’t help but explore the topic furthur.

Killer Landing Page Designs

If content is king, it’s time we siege his castle, overthrow his vast kingdom and re-organize his army.

Sync Gmail Calendar and iCal

Google Now provides an easy way to Sync your Gmail Calendar with your iCal Calendar using a Mac OS X application called Calaboration.

Design Coding: The Web Design Rapper

Just stumbled upon this little gem on YouTube Written by The Poetic Prophet (AKA The SEO Rapper) the song describes how web standards and proper design can affect the ranking and conversion of pages on your site.


An Introduction to Google Analytics for SEO

Google Analytics If you’ve just started to use Google Analytics and aren’t sure which reports to look at, this video provides a helpful 1st-time analysis walkthrough.

A WordPress SEO Toolbox

Any blog owner has an interest in search engine optimization / marketing whether they know it or not.

jQuery Mailto Links Plugin

You may want to check out the reCAPTCHA Mail Hide service, it provides better protection than the method described here.