5 Essential Sources of Quality Web Design  Articles

Smashing Magazine1. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is a website and blog that offers resources and advice to web developers and web designers. It reviews software and web-based tools for web designers and developers, and publishes guides and how-tos on web design and web development. From time to time they offer free fonts, icons, and templates for download.

Envato Nettuts+2. Nettuts+

Nettuts is a web design and development article depot with many contributing authors. It is part of the Envato blog network. The articles range from software reviews, discussions on new technologies and frameworks to improve process, how-to guides on WordPress, and interviews with renowned developers. Nettuts+ gives you access to the extended set of paid tutorials and articles, and only costs $9 a month with no commitment to get started. One great thing about Nettuts+ is that it offers quality screencasts to show hands on examples. Also be sure to check out PSDTuts for high quality photoshop tutorials too!

Noupe3. Noupe

Noupe is another community driven article site for web designers and developers. They have a great wordpress section, and feature some incredible list posts. I’ve found that Noupe is a better source of WordPress related information and resources than SmashingMag or Nettuts.

Web Designer Wall4. Web Designer Wall

Another great resources, this one features some inspirational vectors design resources, CSS & PSD tutorials, flash tutorials and general web design news. I’ve found that this is an all around good resources for jQuery, CSS and WordPress. It provides original content that always keep me up to date with my coding and design practices.

Boagworld Podcast5. Boagworld

Do you commute to work? If you do then I would highly suggest throwing some recent webisodes of the Boagworld podcast. Marcus Lillington and Paul Boag of Headscape offer up their insights into the modern world of web design, which are quite good. They discuss all aspects of working on the web including design, process, billing, hiring, development and new technologies. I listen to this one weekly and it keeps me up to date with the latest technologies and solutions circulating the modern web community.