The base_get_all_custom_fields() function will run a database query to get all custom fields attached to the current page, post or post type and store them in an array. This is a lean way to retrieve all custom fields in one database query.
Open up your themes’ functions.php file. If you don’t have one, create it. Add the following PHP function to the file:
* Get all custom fields attached to a page
if ( !function_exists('base_get_all_custom_fields') ) {
function base_get_all_custom_fields()
global $post;
$custom_fields = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$hidden_field = '_';
foreach( $custom_fields as $key => $value ){
if( !empty($value) ) {
$pos = strpos($key, $hidden_field);
if( $pos !== false && $pos == 0 ) {
return $custom_fields;
Open up a WordPress theme template file such as page.php and add the following, replacing my_custom_field_value with the name of the custom field you want to display:
// Get all custom fields attached to this post and store them in an array
$custom_fields = base_get_all_custom_fields();
if( !empty($custom_fields) ) {
<!-- Single value -->
<p><?php echo $custom_fields['page_subtitle'][0]; ?></p>
That’s it, I hope this helps someone out there!